Category: Uncategorized

  • decoding-wuhan-reset

    The Modi-Jinping summit breaks with the usual stuffy precedent and protocol of diplomacy. What do these two global giants want and what are they willing to give in return, analyses India Inc. Founder & CEO Manoj Ladwa. Writing about a summit meeting, even an informal one, between the leaders of…

  • Policy India: Modi needs exports to also start pumping

    Policy India: Modi needs exports to also start pumping

    As a testament to growing confidence in the Indian economy, foreign direct investment flows in the past 12 months have hit record highs, crossing $50 billion for the first time. This inbound surge, however, has been dampened somewhat by a fall in exports, illustrating that global consumer markets remain choppy…

  • India is right to block WTO deal

    India is right to block WTO deal

    The choice was stark before the Indian government: it could ratify the Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) at the WTO meeting in Geneva and leave 800 million of its poor people at the mercy of market forces, or it could stand up for them and risk the opprobrium of the US…

  • Camera view of India Inc seminar

    Camera view of India Inc seminar

    Great opening the India Inc seminar – A New Dawn for India – What will it mean for the UK?

  • Are there Gujarati traits which make them better placed for political activism?

    Are there Gujarati traits which make them better placed for political activism?

    I am sceptical with this approach. I shared my views with Outlook Magazine who did an interesting comparative analysis between Narendra Modi and various iconic Gujarati leaders Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Jinnah – Fair?

  • Repulic Day ceremony and parade

    Repulic Day ceremony and parade

    Watching India’s Repulic Day ceremony and parade. Whatever the differences – cannot help but feel proud and be moved at this time. India’s democratic tradition must always prevail. The biggest celebration of which will be with us in a couple of months – Election 2014. Jai Hind!

  • Gup-chup with Barkha Dutt

    Here is Manoj Ladwa’s  lunch gup-chup with barkha dutt (@BDUTT) suketu mehta (@suketumehta) over a Gujarati thali

  • Five on Five – Vikram Goyal

    Manoj Ladwa speaks to Vikram Goyal on Indian realty…

  • Bringing the bad news to India on global warming

    Source: DNA

  • Five starter rules for trading with India