Top 5 UK-India Tweeters

For anyone who wants to stay updated on what is happening in the UK-India trade and investment space, here are my Top 5 to follow on Twitter.

Sir James Bevan @HCJamesBevan
The UK’s high commissioner to India, James Bevan, is a regular tweeter. Despite his grand title and equally important job profile, Sir James brings a human touch to his tweets by often sharing personal anecdotes and observations about his life and time in India. He has cheerfully taken on a huge responsibility thrust upon him by PM Cameron – who is probably now eligible to join the Indophile club.

Alpesh B. Patel @alpeshbp
What an institution this chap is. Using twitter like a deadly weapon, Alpesh is a one-man marketing machine for the UK and all that is good about doing business in the UK. He has an official UK government job title, but roving ambassador/timeshare salesman is probably the best way to describe him. Mixes politics with business, and sprinkles a dash of incisive wit on his tweets.

UK India Business Council @ukibc
The UKIBC has battled for ages with the UKTI (more later) to grab a pre-eminent position as the de-facto UK Chamber of Commerce when it comes to all things India. Its tweets keep you up-to-date on events that it organises and occasionally retweets news and reports of interest to UK companies seeking to do business in India. Lacks the human touch, but perhaps diligent CEO, Richard Heald, joining the Twitter ranks could add that extra bit of spice to an otherwise solid social media presence.

UK Trade & Investment in India @ukti_india
The modern-day East India Company, I guess. An official arm of Her Majesty’s Government charged with boosting trade and investment and battling with India on policy matters. Its Tweets are a bit dry, but nonetheless tell us all what the “official line” is and actually when they are good, they are brilliant at using Twitter to celebrate the Great in the Great UK-India relationship.

India Inc @indiaincorp
I am, of course, biased! India Inc is without doubt the most consistent in providing regular news and views coverage on the UK-India business relationship. The India Inc team, almost daily, tweet on some deal or other that positively impacts the UK and India. With a print and e-edition of their India Investment Journal (IIJ) and a packed programme of events lined up for 2014, India Inc’s tweets will I am sure bolster the visibility of the deep relationship between our two countries.